The Department of Justice is working to "solve" the 2001 anthrax attacks like O.J. Simpson is working to find the "true killer" of Nicole Brown Simpson.
The good people at the WSWS suggest that Hatfill is not just a patsy, but was justifiably a "person of interest" in the 2001 anthrax attacks. It was his right-wing connections that resulted in his recent Justice Department "settlement" (read: "reward"). The WSWS may well be on to something here.
Amitabh Pal, "A Pacifist Uncovered,"
Leo Tolstoy, The Law of Love and the Law of Violence, University Press of the Pacific, 2001.
H. D. Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience,"
Statement of Conscientious Objection to War in Any Form
I hereby affirm, and publish for all the world to witness, my moral opposition to the use of violence to settle disputes. Consequently, I refuse to participate in, or cooperate with, any group, organization, or agency of government that would require me to engage in any act of violence against a fellow human being. Furthermore, I hereby pledge and affirm, from this day forward, to organize my life and livelihood in such a way as to promote peacemaking as a practical ideal.