Post-9/11, the Republican Party refashioned itself as the Party of Fear-Mongering. And for 7 long years, manufacturing fear of the Muslim Other has been its stock-in-trade.
But now, it looks as if fear--indeed panic--has started to overtake the GOP. The mortgage-banking crisis serves as a pre-text to use the Federal government to funnel a trillion dollars into the insatiable pockets of the Republican Party's Wall Street base. This amount is on top of the billions of dollars being poured each month into the Military Industrial Complex's Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos. Wall Street, K Street, and the Pentagon are the Bermuda Triangle upon which the Republican Party stands.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Now, even war-hero John McSame appears to be shaking in his boots. He wants to avoid debating Barack Obama and he sure as hell wants to find a pre-text to postpone indefinitely D-Day (Debate Day) for Sarah Palin. What an ill-considered act of pandering she has turned out to be.
It's down to Diebold, the Electoral College, and more Supreme Court shenanigans.
The real question is: have the American people finally had enough of being soaked by the Plutocratic War Party's fear-mongering Robber Barons, or will they dutifully line up once again, bent-over bare-assed, and chime in unison: "Thank you, Sir! May I have another?"