The 9th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution alludes to "rights retained by the people"; the 10th Amendment alludes to "powers reserved to the people."
Funny how these unarticulated Constitutional rights have remained unarticulated these 222 years...
What if the people of this nation had retained not only unspecified rights and reserved not only unspecified powers but also a sense of Constitutional entitlement and a political imagination?
I dare to suggest that we wouldn't be floating aimlessly in this ship of fools; but, perhaps, I'm overly optimistic.
Obama's secret war in the Yemen against "al-Qaeda" is just further confirmation of his complete subservience to the Plutocratic Machiocracy that this country has become. Anyone paying attention knows that the Yemeni government has been involved for years in a protracted tribal revolt that has absolutely nothing to do with any part of the world EXCEPT the Yemen.
The stooge who managed to set himself on fire on Northwest flight 253 was just that: a stooge. He does not appear to have any credible connection whatsoever with the ongoing civil war in Yemen.
Obama is entirely complicit with the radical Right's imperialistic war-plan. All of this is just dress rehearsal for Iran--which may have been the "real" target from the very beginning.
Maintaining unemployment levels at 10% should ensure a healthy recruiting pool for the military. Everything is falling into place.
Some of us thought that Obama was going to be the "black Bobby Kennedy." Perhaps he is better thought of as the radical Right's "Manchurian candidate."
What a betrayal.