Saturday, June 29, 2013

Now In His Second Consecutive Lame Duck Term...

Karab Amabo tries out a new story. Nobody but the clinically self-deluded is about to buy it.

Erin Go Bragh

As a child, I had a small replica of this flag in my toy chest. Where it came from or how I came by it I do not know. Recently, I've become acquainted with its history. The struggle against imperialism takes many forms.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Good News?

U.S. Army forced to make personnel cuts. Will this actually happen? Are the anticipated cuts merely token? Is this part of a larger shell game that is business as usual at the Pentagon? Are combat troops to be replaced by drones? Many questions that ought to be asked are not asked in this NYT article, but that's par for the course with the paper of record.

We Reap What We Sow

Sunday, June 16, 2013

U.S. Government Expresses "Concern" Over Turkish Government's Suppression of Gezi Park Protests, But Let Us Not Forget the Suppression of Occupy Oakland

This is in no way an attempt to excuse the contemptible actions of Erdogan's government towards the protesters in Gezi Park. Erdogan appears to have decided to tarnish his political legacy and, if he had any shred of decency left, would resign from office in disgrace. That said, we must also acknowledge that he has been following a variety of precedents established by governments throughout the world for the suppression of democratic action--not least of which is the example set by government officials in the United States.

Nor is the action of government officials in the United States with regard to the Occupy Movement new. Let us not forget that, in 1932, "after an Army detachment under the command of Douglas MacArthur violently broke up a peaceable encampment of the Bonus Army — a movement of World War I veterans agitating for early payment of a promised government bonus to help overcome destitution caused by unemployment — President Herbert Hoover endorsed the bloody confrontation with the words 'Thank God we still have a government in Washington that knows how to deal with a mob.'"

Note that the source of the above video is Russian. If you depend upon domestic news sources in the U.S. to find out what is actually happening in the U.S., you will end up tragically uninformed. So much for the Fourth Estate.