Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Now I Remember...

... Why I've never liked either Ohio or Texas...

One thing that I have noticed about this year's Democratic primaries is that Shrillery does best in those states where the old line Dem Party machine is the most functional. Illinois is the exception that proves the rule because Illinois is Obama's home state.

If Pennsylvania's Dem Party Machine is what it was when I lived there (I left in 2001), then I think we can expect to see a double-digit victory for HRC (Her Royal Churlishness) there--as in Ohio.

The thing we must never lose sight of is the fact that the ruling party in this country is the PWP (Plutocratic War Party). The PWP adopts a "liberal" persona (the so-called "Democratic Party") to satisfy one portion of the electorate and a "conservative" persona (the so-called "Republican Party") to satisfy another portion of the electorate. Shrillery is deep into the PWP in many ways. I have not been able to satisfy myself as to where, exactly, Barack stands with regards to this group. I only know that any person of public stature that fails to adequately accomodate the agenda of the PWP receives a state funeral.

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