Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Like Tacitus Before Me...

I fear that Obama will win the popular vote and lose in the electoral college, like Gore and Kerry before him. The Republicans have the system down to a science.

In addition, the US remains a staunchly racist country. So people who are voting for McSame give totally irrational reasons for wanting to do so, i.e., Obama is a Muslim, Obama is a Socialist, Obama will take away their guns. No amount of evidence to the contrary will disabuse them of these notions, so they are clinging to them not because they truly believe them, but because saying “I won’t vote for a black man” would make them appear to be ignorant. Never mind the fact that the reasons that they profess make them look equally ignorant.

I don’t know how I could do another 4-8 years of Republican mis-rule. Sarah Palin makes W and Dan Quayle look like rocket scientists. She and McSame are refusing to talk to the media except in very brief and highly scripted sessions. This country is poised to be a “kinder, gentler” Third Reich, but a Third Reich nonetheless.

Like Tacitus before me, I long for the bad old days of the republic…

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