Friday, May 15, 2009

The Real Enemy Among Us

Since President Obama took office and set up his big tent (having learned nothing from the Gingrich-led debacle of the Clinton years), the bottom-feeders from the Reagan-Bush neo-fascist revanchement have returned in force: and they are taking to the airwaves in defense of torture and the various other projects that putrify in the fetid bigotries of their fear-and-thing-ridden imaginations.

I, for one, have had enough. We've been more than polite and gracious to these thugs. It is time to show them the way back under the rocks from whence they have crawled.

Let's see now: we have the military-industrial-evangelical-complex (check); then we have the CIA engaged in para-military operations (check); and then we have private corporations who contract out the services of mercenaries to the government (check); then there's the FBI, National Guard units, state and local police (check, check, check, check). I'm sure I'm forgetting somebody...

I can hardly wait for the return of the East India Company, with its private army and navy to open "free markets" wherever the locals don't seem to understand the importance of buying what we have to sell them.

And still we fear the turbaned bogeyman in the night; armed to the teeth and hyper-vigilant and we just don't feel safe. Maybe it's all that under-the-table arms trading we've been doing for decades that has some people in government legitmately worried...

Blow-back is a bitch.

Centrism in a time of neo-fascist revanchement is just pissing in the flames. To put out the fire, the Left (if we have a viable one in this country, which is doubtful at this point) had better start organizing bucket brigades.

Obama is not ready to take on the real enemy among us: ourselves.

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