Friday, February 11, 2011

Reflections in the Aftermath of Mubarak's Departure

According to the Angry Arab News Service, this is how Mubarak managed to sneak out of Cairo...

Satire aside, this has been a truly beautiful day. The message Egypt has sent to the entire Arab world is unmistakable: Pay attention! This is how it's done. If we could dislodge Mubarak, you, too, can dislodge your US-Israeli-Saudi-backed regimes.

I believe we are on the cusp of a new era.

As usual, the US power elite were caught flat-footed. While Obama waffled, tear-gas canisters stamped with "made in the USA" told the anti-government protesters in Tahrir Square all that they needed to know about the true position of the United States in this affair.

As the elation begins to wear off, the mantra of the victorious revolutionaries of Egypt and Tunisia must be this: the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

The forces of reaction will not be dormant. You may rest assured that measures are being taken by despotic regimes (including our own) to contain and undermine popular revolution wherever it may stir.

Anyone who watched Obama's speech in response to Mubarak's departure is forewarned. Obama makes great speeches; ignore his words. He is an accomplished liar. Pay attention to his delivery, his body language. He was anything but celebratory. He finished his remarks and quickly turned and left the room. He entertained no questions. He needed to get back to the Situation Room and the deliberations of the Plutocratic War Party.

I would not be surprised to learn that, at this moment, the Israelis are planning a diversionary strike on Iran, with US-Saudi backing.

I am not saying that this will happen. I am saying: Put nothing past the Plutocratic War Party. They were caught flat-footed; they will move quickly to regain the advantage.

Emissaries from the PWP are doubtlessly calling upon the Egyptian Supreme Military Council with attache cases stuffed with cash.

While the people celebrate, money is changing hands.

Nevertheless, WikiLeaks is on the case. And social networks are showing how, in the hands of the saavy and the motivated, the people can organize and catch the plutocrats off guard.

Hacktivistas have also flexed their cyber-muscles and it does not take a crystal ball to predict that we will witness more of their sort of subversive action.

It will take some time for the Plutocratic War Party to adjust to these new weapons of People Power--but adjust they will.

In the meantime, the people of the world need to keep the enemies of freedom off balance.

McWorld can only be dismantled by means of a hundred thousand little peaceful jihads.

Rise up young lions of the Invisible Whitmanian Republic! You have nothing to lose but your chains...

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