Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Theory

Shortly after the Presidential election of 2008, the victorious candidate, Barack Obama, was kidnapped, bound and gagged, and locked in Dick Cheney's basement, where he has been subjected to daily water-boarding ever since.

The Democan-Republicrats then substituted Obama's evil Bushian twin, Kcarab Amabo, to take his place.

Yes, it is a theory that strains credulity, but no more so than the complete ideological about-face that the winner of the 2008 election has performed since taking office.

If the man who presently occupies the Oval Office is, in fact, Barack Obama and not Kcarab Amabo, one must sadly conclude that Obama is no different than any other successful member of the American political class; he lacks all conviction but one: power is the sole object of politics--obtaining it and retaining it for as long as possible. Say anything you have to, promise what you must, it does not matter.

Amabo's great contribution to the advancement of people of color in the U.S. was not his election so much as his daily demonstration that a black man in high office can be as craven as any white man in high office. Race is therefore irrelevant.

Is this a great country, or what?

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