Sunday, February 26, 2012

Burn the Coat

There is an old Russian proverb mentioned by Tolstoy that runs something like this:

"Burn the coat now that the vermin have got in."

While the Republican Party prepares to offer the American people one of its latest versions of Caligula as Presidential nominee, liberals are rallying around their man--the current President--Nero.

I expect that if Caligula wins in November, liberals will proudly display "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Nero" stickers on the bumpers of their cars. If Nero wins, Republicans will display "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Caligula" stickers on the bumpers of their cars.

Either way, both are to blame: the Republicans for having such twisted values that they would ratify their party's choice of Caligula, liberals for being so deluded that they would imagine Nero the lesser evil--or even a desirable candidate.

Such is the present state of politics in Yahoo Nation.

Come November, I will not vote for Nero or Caligula. Instead, I will continue to urge others to heed the old Russian proverb and "burn the coat." For the vermin have got in.

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