Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Union Sundown

Dear Fellow Citizens of the Planet:

I would just like to take this opportunity to apologize to you all for the bleak future that the United States, a country of which I am a natural born citizen, is creating for all of us.

President Obama is a pathetic tool of the Corporatocracy and the Republican candidates are ALL, without exception, certifiably nuts.

The unholy alliance between the Christian Right and the Military-Industrial-Complex has combined to create Yahoo Nation. It is a recipe for inevitable disaster.

Here in Yahoo Nation, white people are scared to death of losing their privileges to people of color. And the threat to white privilege is a real one, only it's not coming from people of color. It's coming from the very rich white people who are robbing the white middle class and underclass blind while successfully manipulating them into racist and anti-muslim frenzies with their culture of fear.

In the early 1980's, Bob Dylan sang: "Well, it's sundown on the union/And what's made in the U.S.A./Sure was a good idea/'Til greed got in the way..."

He was protesting the dismantling of organized labor and with it the only real political leverage the average American had against the Corporatocracy. But nobody was listening.

Now we reap the whirlwind.

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