Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The "Obama Doctrine"?

Once you read past the headlines, you come to see, very quickly, that there is no "there" there. It's just the latest phase of U.S. Presidential self-aggrandizement. Obama's domestic legacy is the further enrichment of an already bloated plutocracy, economic stagnation, a crumbling infrastructure, increasing xenophobia, bigotry, gun violence, and decreasing privacy and civil liberties in the name of "security." Quite an ironic laundry list for the nation's first African American president. We might as well be rehearsing the "accomplishments" of "President McCain."

Abroad, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate has increased the volume of state-sponsored terrorism (our country's number one export) and support for despotic regimes around the world while coddling the apartheid state of Israel and war-mongering with Iran.

But now, he claims, he's going to fix the latter two problems. Why should anyone believe a word he says? The real beneficiary of the two Obama administrations is the Obama family's purse. They're set for life. I guess we should be thankful that our 2008 votes for change haven't been a total loss.

I'm not just disappointed, I'm disgusted beyond outrage. I've heard all the speechifying I need to hear from BHO. Who is the next puppet that the militarized corporatocracy will place before the American electorate for ratification? Are we in for more Clinton?

As Gary Gilmore told his executioners: "Let's do it."

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