Sunday, February 11, 2018

An Open Letter To Lawrence Wilkerson

Lawrence Wilkerson recently published an article in the New York Times in which he freely admitted to being an accessory to mass murder and mayhem in the Middle East. In the same article, he implicated a former U.S. President and a former Secretary of State.

Now, it is true that his confession was offered in a noble cause--to try to prevent further mass murder and mayhem from being authorized (this time in Iran) through the same political process by which he and his co-conspirators were empowered to commit their crimes.

So: I thank you, Mr. Wilkerson. But I have a couple of questions:

Do you honestly think that your article is sufficient contrition for your crimes against humanity? And, if you and your co-conspirators got away with the crime of the century (so far), why should anyone believe that others, similarly positioned (i.e., the Trump Administration), won't do the same with identical results?

I know I should be grateful that a retired Army colonel who was chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell from 2002 to 2005 and now teaches at the College of William & Mary is showing symptoms of a conscience fifteen years after the fact but, frankly, I'm underwhelmed.

Is this the best you can do?

Think about it.

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