Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Brief Exchange with a Critic

An "e-friend" sent me a copy of a criticism sent to him regarding his attempt to hold John Edwards accountable for his actions as a U. S. Senator. The critic wrote:

"That's right -- in your Quixote-like search for a
'pure' candidate you need to go trashing people
like Edwards, or Clinton, or whoever. You are so
naive that you have no idea of the power of the
know-nothings and neo-fascists to deceive and
enlist the vast majority of ordinary people. Keep
this up and you will guarantee us another Bush or

One step at a time. Concentrate on achievable
progress or engage in mental masturbation and pave
the way for a permanent and irreversible takeover
by the dark forces."

Sure seems like sound, level-headed advice. And, say, twenty years ago, it might have been. But here was my reply:

"Listen my friend, many well-meaning people who imagine themselves to be on the left of the Neo-Fascists simply have not caught on to the fact that playing politics as usual is what got us into the mess we are in and will never get us out.

The fix is already in. HRC is the Democan nominee and Obama is running for Veep. Edwards is less than relevant today.

We need to focus our energies on shaming BOTH the Republicrats and the Democans; neither party represents the best interests of the people of the United States or of the people of the world who will be on the receiving end of their decisions. That does not mean that a third party candidate has a snowball's chance in hell in this country. Third party runs ARE pure fantasy because the "2-party" system has the field sown up tight.

We must work today to overthrow the present system and replace it with a true multi-party parliamentary democracy. We have NO alternative. A non-violent people's revolution that will call for a Constitutional convention is our only hope. We CAN have a modern Constitutional government like the great democracies in Scandinavia and parts of Europe. We don't have to limp along with a jury-rigged 18th century constitution. Those who insist that we must are the Quixotic and deluded. So spread the word. Change, BIG CHANGE is going to have to come.

Down with the Empire; Re-invent the American Republic!"

Those who insist that we do not have the luxury to dream of a better world condemn us to the slow grinding out of the present one. Those who are angered by attempts to hold political figures accountable for actions taken in their roles as "public servants" are threatened by the exercise of TRUE DEMOCRACY. We must press our case even-handedly against the Duopolistic mono-party that has a strangle-hold upon all of our futures. Prison for Bush and his co-conspirators; political exile for Hillary Clinton and her ilk in the Democan-party establishment.

A revolution is not a dinner-party.

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