Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Small Act of Consciousness-Raising a Day...

will eventually make the Neo- and Christo-Fascists crawl back under the rocks from whence they came in late 2000 to saddle this country with their twisted homicidal racist dreams of imperial glory.

Here is the challenge: plan to do something each day that will make another person THINK!

For example: Make posters that display the 9th and 10th amendments to the U. S. Constitution and post them in various places where you live. Be sure that the posters emphasize that there are rights and powers vested in the people of this country that have yet to be exercised. Call for a constitutional convention to create a multi-party parliamentary democracy.

Contact Democratic Party Headquarters and let them know that the Party's monopolistic strangle-hold upon our democracy will soon be over on account of its complicity with the Neo- and Christo-Fascists. Contact Republican Party Headquarters and let them know that the Party's monopolistic strangle-hold upon our democracy will soon be over on account of its being the primary vehicle of Neo- and Christo-Fascism in the world today.

Contact your local media outlet and denounce its treasonous betrayal of democracy by its failure to expose the criminality of the government and its failure to call for the end of the country's imperialistic wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Contact your political representatives in Congress and remind them that the State of Israel is an INDEPENDENT, FOREIGN NATION and that, therefore, it would be highly unusual if its interests were in perfect alignment with the interests of the United States. Remind them that if they cannot tell the difference between the interests of an INDEPENDENT, FOREIGN NATION and those of the United States, they are guilty of TREASON, have no business in our government, and will be subject to arrest and trial. Remind them that treason is a capital crime under federal law.

Buy a Palestinian flag (they are available on-line--at least that's how I obtained mine) and display it. Support the aspirations of all people everywhere to be free from political violence and oppression.

IT'S TIME TO GET CREATIVE. It is also time to engage in such acts of consciousness-raising and, yes, gentle provocation, on a daily basis. Act locally and without a lot of fanfare. Simply exercise your right as a citizen of a democracy to engage in political speech.

If you are active in a religious organization, engage your co-religionists in questions of justice and non-violence. Encourage their participation in a small act of consciousness-raising a day.

Don't wait for clergy and don't wait for politicians. Act on your own initiative under the U. S. Constitution as amended. And begin TODAY.

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