Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Voter in the Booth is like a Rat in a Maze

In an article posted on today's WSWS, Bill Van Auken writes:

"Both major parties and all the existing political institutions function to disenfranchise the antiwar majority. They represent not the interests of working people—the vast majority of the population—but those of a narrow financial elite whose wealth and power are bound up with militarism."

When will the people of this country decide that enough truly is enough and take back the government that styles itself "of, by, and for" the people? Elections under the current system, the present out-dated Constitution, don't cut it. Only the exceptional Republicrat or Democan comes close to representing the interests of the people of this country; unfortunately, the exceptional do not make a difference under the present regime.

A non-violent people's revolution resulting in: (1) a Constitutional convention and (2) a multi-party, parliamentary democracy are the necessary first steps towards the Whitmanian Republic this country could be but never will be until the narrow financial elite whose wealth and power are bound up with militarism are sent packing.

Sadly, in the United States today, elections have become one of the most powerful of the opiates used to control the masses. We are like rats in a maze trained to push levers that once gave us food; we continue pushing, only now the levers are connected to...nothing.

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