Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Farooq Hussaini

My friend Farooq Hussaini just passed away Sunday. He was a mere 50 years of age. Farooq suffered from kidney disease. And after two transplants failed, he contented himself with living with dialysis. And yet: I never saw him once depressed; never heard a word of self-pity pass his lips. Instead he was always positive, always excited about what each day had in store, always warm, always loving, full of good humor. In many ways he was an enigma to me. It was no front. He was genuinely filled with gratitude for every second of his life. And he loved me. If he knew how often I've cried since hearing the news, he would wag his finger at me. "Where's your faith, my friend?" Where indeed?

Please watch this, for Farooq:

1 comment:

The Grappion said...

To live without fear enables one to live every moment with gratitude and awareness. Fear arises out of the desire to protect yourself against what you perceive, rightly or wrongly, in reality or in your imagination, as a danger to yourself.
Fear is not overcome by tamping it down. The expression "No Fear" is represents the epitome of tamping down great and overwhelming fear.
Fear cannot be extinguished but it can be displaced. It is displaced by faith, by love and by selflessness. When you lose your self you gain the world and the world gains a saint.
You were lucky to know this man. Fear not and have faith.