Thursday, June 5, 2008

Barack, Bobbie, and Jay

The first time I saw Barack Obama referred to as the "Black Bobbie Kennedy," I said to myself, "Self, let's not get caught up in wishful thinking." And I still say it. But I remain hopeful; with gasoline at $4.00/gallon, hope is just about all I can afford.

The PWP (Plutocratic War Party) that runs this country--that's right, the junta--is powerful and prone to violence. I do not trust Republicans or Democrats. I certainly do not trust the Clintons or Scarface McPain. But I hope against hope that the electorate has had more than enough of Bush-Cheney, Inc. and its criminality.

Speaking of which, I sent a message today to Sen. Rockefeller, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and asked him, now that his committee has made "official" what many of us have known for the last 5 years--that this country was taken into war with Iraq for reasons personal to the President of the United States and members of his inner circle--I asked him, "Jay, what will be the federal government's next move?" More reports or arrest and prosecution of the war criminals Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, and Powell (at the very least)? I anxiously await his reply...

In the immortal words of Bob Dylan: "Don't it make you feel ashamed/To live in a land/Where justice is a game?"

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