Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Richard B. Cheney, MIA

As Sarah Pander would say, "Here's a shout out to all you people who voted for Bush-Cheney. Twice."

Where's your boy Dickie these days?

Remember how he was supposed to be the adult in the room? Remember how he was supposed to be the guy you could depend on to steer Brand-Name Bush in the right direction? You all said, "Look, we know monkey-boy can't think his way out of a paper bag. For Chrissakes, he can't even chew a pretzel and watch football at the same time. But don't you worry: when there's a crisis, Dick Cheney will be there to make the right decisions." Remember how you all said that? Hello? Remember?

OK, so, now that our economy is sliding off the cliff, and taking the rest of the world with it, where's the Dickster?

Having successfully spent the last eight years cashing in on his "public service" career to the tune of a multi-million dollar personal estate, while small fry homeowners are struggling to meet their mortgage payments, Dick Cheney has slunk back into the inky shadows.

Why aren't people howling for Cheney's head on a platter? He's done more damage to this country than Saddam Hussein ever did or ever could have dreamed of doing. Come to think of it, he's done more damage to Iraq than Saddam Hussein ever did or ever could have dreamed of doing.

Who in this nation's law enforcement establishment will stand tall and issue arrest warrants for George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney?

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