Friday, October 10, 2008

Titanic Corruption, Titanic Consequences

I can't help thinking about that scene from the film Titanic—right at the moment that the ship shudders as it grazes the iceberg and the people standing on deck pause and then pick up little slivers of ice to put in their drinks, not comprehending that, down below, the hull is torn and their fates are sealed. Has the crime syndicate of Bush-Cheney, Inc. booby-trapped our last best chance to break free from the consequences of the last eight years of orgiastic corruption?

I am baffled by the psychological state of those who would vote Republicans into the White House for another 4 years. Are they so busy performing self-colonoscopies that they are incapable of appreciating the present state of the nation? Or are they simply, as Richard Trumka has bravely pointed out, garden variety racists? Whatever the explanation, I find them analogous to those passengers on the Titanic who giggled as they were showered by splinters of ice on deck, and who blithely added the slivers to their drinks and returned to the ballroom.

Looks to me like we've got a date with Davey Jones.

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