Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mid-Term Elections 2010

Oh how the chickens have come home to roost! The Obama Administration rolls into office on a tidal wave of popular demand for change and, in turn, delivers up the same old same old. Who would have thought, listening to Obama's campaign rhetoric, that his first term would look an awful lot like Bush's third term?

I don't know about your phone, but mine has been ringing off the hook: Democratic Party operatives are calling to plead with me to get out the vote (in other words, to bail them out once again). And what is their argument for why I should lift a finger to assist the Party that has repeatedly stabbed the Left (such as it is in this country) in the back? You guessed it: those Tea Party Loonies might actually get elected.

And, indeed, they just might. And God help us if they do.

Ken Buck, far-right candidate for Senate in Colorado, wants to privatize Social Security. Why? Besides the obvious reason that, to do so, would give Wall Street the biggest bonus since...well...the recent bank bailouts, Buck and his fellow neo-fascists hate Social Security because it is a government program THAT WORKS. What a stick in the eye for those who embrace the dogma that no government program can ever work--except those that transfer the wealth of this country from the poor and middle class into the coffers of the richest 2%.

Medicare and Medicaid are also embarrassments to the far-right: the success of Medicare is such that it is entitled to be extended universally to every American of any age. Had Obama not sold health care reform to the highest health care industry bidders in the Summer of '08, Medicare could be your health insurance (and mine) today.

Oh, but let's not remind ourselves of the crimes of the past...Pay no attention to that militarist behind the curtain! Let's move forward into the future!

What future? Increasingly, the future looks like the dystopia that Tea Partiers are salivating over: the Great Rich White Revanchement a.k.a. the "Reagan Revolution."

Yes, indeed. As White Folk study the demographic trends, they become ever more firm in their resolve to seize power now and finish the job of disenfranchising the poor and people of color that Reagan started--flashing his trademark grin.

Now, I have nothing against White people. Some of my best friends are White people. I myself come from a long line of them.

But enough is enough.

Will I vote come Election Day? Yes I will.

Will Democratic candidates receive my votes? Yes they will.

Will I be voting for anyone? Not on your life. I will be voting against the Party of Naked Greed and Fear. Unfortunately, that means my votes will inure to the benefit of the Party of Fig-Leafed Greed and Fear.

But such is the sorry state of politics in these Orwellian States of Amnesia, 2010.

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