Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Once Again...

the American electorate has returned to the polls to re-arrange the deck-chairs on the Titanic.

It would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.

The revolution will not be televised--or tweeted, for that matter.

And it certainly will not come through the ballot box.

Resist. Refuse. Renounce.

It's the system, stupid.

Take the red pill and subvert the Matrix!

The only place where authentic change is possible in these Orwellian States of Amnesia is the street.

History has clearly shown that the general strike is the only effective weapon in the people's arsenal.

If you want authentic change, you must demand an end to the tyranny of Democan-Republicrat hegemony.

And, no, the Tea Party movement offers no hope in that direction.

In the immortal words of Diogenes of Sinope, "Deface the currency!"

We must scrap the existing system and start anew.

The three virtues of the revolutionaries we need are: imagination, magnanimity, and courage.

Begin by forming mutual aid societies. Go off the grid. Find ways to reduce your Federal taxable income--if you actually make enough to pay taxes to the Feds. Starve the military industrial complex in any way you can.

Friends don't let friends join the military.

Become skilled in the use of the weapons of the weak.

Organize your life in such a way as to make palpable, in all of your relations with your fellow human beings, the Invisible Whitmanian Republic.

Read the works of Raoul Vaneigem and Hakim Bey/Peter Lamborn Wilson.

Think about your next move...

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