Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Brief Q & A

Q: You appear to be vehemently anti-military; does that make you anti-troops?

A: I am vehemently anti-military, but I subscribe to the notion that there are no lost causes--there is hope for all of us (even someone like, say, Donald Rumsfeld)--
because I reject the doctrine of "Original Sin." There are no inherently bad people, only inherently bad choices. The choice to engage in murder under color of law is, in my view, an inherently poor choice.

The rhetoric today that to oppose the war in Iraq or to oppose the Military-Industrial- Complex's stranglehold upon our democracy is to oppose the soldiers in the field is dishonest at best. If someone you love has made a poor choice and is engaged in following through with the consequences of that choice (e.g., drug abuse, theft, vandalism, murder), the appropriate response to that person is not to pin ribbons on his or her chest, but to engage in some form of intervention. Indeed, it is LOVE for that person that dictates one's opposition to his or her harmful actions. If you affirm someone's poor choices, you must not care about that person's welfare.

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