Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Challenge We Face, Individually and Collectively as a Species

The challenge we face is to finally allow ourselves to be scandalized by the present state of things; and to have the courage to say, "Enough is enough," and to be willing to do something about it.

It is to want to deliver to our children a world constructed from our best hopes, not our worst fears.

It is to declare that war is simply unacceptable, that the Military-Industrial-Complex is institutionalized evil, that the desire to control others beyond oneself is pathological.

It is to recognize that our religious and educational institutions, despite all protests to the contrary, have capitulated to the violent status quo, failing us, failing themselves, failing God.

It is to refuse to allow our consciences to be co-opted by any doctrine, law, or constitution, i.e., to reserve to ourselves the right vouchsafed us in the 9th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

The "mystery" rights; let them be mysterious no more.

It is to look ourselves in the mirror and ask how in God's name we ever allowed ourselves to accept murder, theft, torture, and mayhem to be carried out in our names and under the colors of our flag.

It is to believe in resurrection and, so, to RISE UP!

Encourage one another with the truth; encourage one another to persist (Q. 103:4).

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