Monday, March 26, 2007

Qur'an 25: 63

Ten years ago, in the first days of the month of Ramadan, I picked up a copy of the Qur'an and, on a whim, closed my eyes, opened the book, and randomly placed my finger upon a page. I then opened my eyes and read the following line where my finger had pointed: "Those who have placed themselves at the beck and call of the Merciful One tread this earth in gentleness, and when the foolish accost them, they respond: 'Peace!'" [my rendering from the arabic].

I was standing at the moment that I read these words, but found I had to sit down.

O God, make my heart an amulet, and inscribe these words within.

It is no wonder that the Federal Government's thugs choose to desecrate this book at Gitmo.

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