Monday, July 9, 2007

A Model Constitution

God did not write the U.S. Constitution but, for some reason, most Americans are under the mistaken impression that She did.

No, no, no. Human beings--white propertied males to be specific--wrote the U.S. Constitution. They did the best they could at the time, but times have changed. The Bush Administration is demonstrating to us daily how the Constitution can be treated with contempt by those who publicly swore to uphold it. What's more, those who are holding the Constitution in contempt are able to do so with impunity.

Because the Republicrat-Democan Mono-party/Politburo has repeatedly demonstrated itself to be the fox watching the chicken coop, we cannot trust it to impeach (much less turn over for criminal prosecution) those who daily ignore the law of the land. We, the people, must remove them from power--Constitutionally.

Here's how: since it is obvious that neither the Executive Branch or Congress gives a fig about the Constitution, it shouldn't upset them if the people exercise their right under the 9th Amendment to re-write a Constitution for our time:

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

We are fortunate in the fact that the people, yes, the people won't have to re-invent the wheel in this matter. There are plenty of good models in use throughout the world at the present time.

Here is one example. Given our past history, the people, yes, the people of the United States will need to craft language that will make it a crime to profit from "public service." The "revolving door" that Richard Cheney and the Bush family (among many, many others) have used to their personal financial advantage will have to be nailed shut. But this is law, not rocket science. I would be happy to contribute my services to the country, free of charge.

The America that we hold in our hearts, the America that, as the late, great Richard Rorty put it, is dedicated to reducing the tendency of its citizens to selfishness and sadism, of grasping and striking, of Haliburton and Gitmo, of K-Street and Abu Ghraib, is only a Constitutional Convention away...

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