Monday, July 30, 2007

Stay Tuned for More Thrilling Plutocratic Political Theater

Although I found it an odious task, I stooped to watch the News Hour on PBS last Friday in order to get my fill of one of the NYT's shameless Neo-Fascist lap-dogs, David Brooks.

It's actually difficult to watch Brooks in action without feeling sorry for the man. He tries so hard to prove to the world that "compassionate conservatism" is a reality as opposed to a marketing scheme--which was dropped like a hot potato once the "compassionate conservatives" assumed power and went on their homicidal rampage through the Middle East.

I have never been able to decide whether Brooks is deluded or deeply dishonest. I suspect that he is some combination of the two.

In any event, instead of his usual gushing about how he, a mere journalist, has inside access to the centers of Neo-Fascistic power in Washington, he spoke of his admiration for one Hillary Clinton. In fact, he seemed to go out of his way to mention Mrs. Clinton repeatedly during his brief segment. I took it as a signal.

The plutocrats who run this country know that the Neo-Fascists in the "Republican" wing of the Republicrat-Democan Mono-party have worn out their welcome with the voting public and are not likely to be able to place such an open tool as George W. Bush in the White House come the next election cycle. So they have turned to their next best option: Nixon in a skirt.

The coming months will be filled with thrilling political theater, but I fear that the outcome is already quite certain. The plutocracy is cutting deals and Hillary, with her overweening ambition, is putty in their hands.

Back Kucinich, back Obama, but watch Hillary emerge triumphant as the staged "drama" unfolds.

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