Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Summer of Disillusionment on the Ship of Fools


NAUTICAL DISTRESS SIGNAL FLAG: This orange flag has a black square over a black circle. It is the duty of any boat operator observing such a flag to stop and render aid. This signal shall not be displayed unless assistance is needed...

Some days, it is truly difficult to believe that this country is not headed, in the words of an old tune, "90 miles an hour down a dead end street."

The American people, betrayed repeatedly by their "leaders," haven't a clue what to do about it. Let's see...What are the options? Shit? Go blind? What are you going to do, ask Harry Reid? He's as helpless as the next guy. We entrusted our future and the futures of many others around the world (who really didn't have a say in the matter) to a lethal combination of imbeciles and criminals. We did this because we were afraid that uppity brown men were coming from overseas to murder us in our plushly appointed offices. That these uppity brown men were at one time employed by this lethal combo in whom we placed our trust never gave us a moment's pause--and it still doesn't.

And, yet, I feel that the pendulum is soon to change direction. Unfortunately, I have little confidence in the justice of what may happen when it does.

The Myth of American Exceptionalism is not the only opiate that befuddles our moral compasses (how's that for a mixture of metaphors?). There is also the Myth that our political institutions are capable of promoting radical change. "In a suitable temperature," said Mao Tsetung, "an egg changes into a chicken, but no temperature can change a stone into a chicken, because each has a different basis."

With our current Constitution, all we can accomplish is the cooking of stones.

"What we need," said Mao, "is an enthusiastic but calm state of mind and intense but orderly work."

The road ahead is long and admits no turning. Such is the itinerary on this American Ship of Fools.

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