Wednesday, October 14, 2009


To Michael Moore, and to all those who say that it is too soon to criticize the Obama Administration's record on a wide range of issues, I ask the following:

It is almost 2010. Obama will spend half of 2011 and all of 2012 campaigning for re-election.

In 2012, when we still have troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, when the Gitmo gulag is still in operation, when extraordinary rendition is standard operating procedure and the CIA's off-shore torture chambers continue to be used, when it becomes clear that health care "reform" is the same smoke-and-mirrors sham as campaign finance "reform"--is, in fact, a bonanza for health insurance companies, when illegal Israeli settlements continue to be built in the West Bank as the Obama Administration looks the other way, when the FBI continues its covert operations against those who take public exception to war-without-end and capitalist exploitation, what will you say then?

Think about it.

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